Several analyst firms have recognized excellence
in our products and services over the years,
and we’re thankful for it

RTTS' QuerySurge Named To Big Data 50
Database Trends and Applications named QuerySurge to its Big Data 50 — Companies Driving Innovation list. Of the companies chosen, many, like IBM & Microsoft, are long-established industry stalwarts while others, like QuerySurge, are the hottest rising starts in Big Data.

Market Mover 2011 - ALM Space
Customers of RTTS “reap tremendous benefits from the collective professional services knowledge RTTS gleans.”
- analyst firm Voke

Cool Vendor 2009
RTTS “is squarely focused on driving quality”
- analyst firm Gartner

Innovator 2009
“RTTS’ reputation for delivering valuable professional services…shows its commitment to shattering barriers…within an organization to deliver high-quality software.”
- analyst firm Voke