Company History
Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc. (dba RTTS), was founded in 1996 and has a deep history that intertwines with the beginning of the Test Automation era.

Real-Time Technology Solutions, Inc. (RTTS), was founded by Bill Hayduk in May of 1996 and has its roots in test automation tools from SQA, Inc., a Boston-based publicly traded firm (now a part of IBM). RTTS signed a strategic partnership agreement with SQA as a Value-Added Reseller and Training Partner, providing formal SQA-certified training classes and also providing consulting services tailored around implementing the toolset. Thus RTTS began its long history of successful software quality consulting engagements and training course offerings.
RTTS turns 25: "May you live in interesting times..."
RTTS turned 25 years old! The phrase “may you live in interesting times” pretty much covers our journey. Read about that journey here»

"The End of the Line for the Original Test Automation vendors"
Read about how it all started for test automation and how RTTS was involved in the beginning. From CEO Bill Hayduk on LinkedIn here ⇒
A list of significant events is listed in the timeline below: