Data Validation Assessment

Evaluation of your approach to validating your critical data, along with expert recommendations for improvement & an implementation plan

Your Challenge

Your organization’s data architecture is expanding and changing. As more data feeds are being added to your systems, your data volume is growing at a geometric pace and now includes new and additional components such as:

  • Data warehouses
  • Hadoop data lakes
  • NoSQL data stores
  • Data streaming services
  • Data marts
  • Enterprise applications
  • BI and analytics reports
  • Flat file feeds
  • Mainframe feeds
  • JSON files
  • Web services

Or maybe your company has decided to move your data from one vendor to another or from on premises to the cloud.

The task of validating & testing all the data being collected is overwhelming. You are struggling with questions such as:

  • How much data needs to be validated/tested?
  • How do I ensure I am testing the proper data permutations?
  • What are the critical data endpoints that need to be tested?
  • How do I verify that the data from my various source systems is propagating through the architecture?
  • How do I validate data in the cloud environments?
  • Is bad data making it into the architecture?
  • How much of the data testing can be automated?

In addition, upper management requiring you to integrate as many of the testing tasks as possible into your CI/CD DataOps pipeline.

Our Solution

RTTS’ Data Validation Assessment service provides an expert evaluation of your current data validation process. We also provide recommendations on how to improve your process and a proposal for successful implementation.

Turnaround Time Frame

5 – 7 business days

Who Will Benefit

Any company with a need to create a data validation/testing strategy or improve their existing data validation & testing practices as they relate to industry standards.

Components of the Assessment

  • Business analysis
  • Data architecture analysis
  • ETL testing process evaluation
  • DataOps evaluation
  • Resource evaluation (optional)
  • Metrics evaluation
  • Risk assessment


  • Detailed analysis report with recommendations
  • Presentation to your team on findings
  • Proposal for successful implementation

RTTS can help you improve your processes and help you work towards a successful test data management strategy