Quality Center 12.0 Essentials
Course Summary
This course provides the tools you need to implement and use Application Lifecycle Management 12.0. Students learn how to manage quality information throughout the development cycle, from constructing requirements, designing and executing tests, through monitoring defects.
The hands-on labs for this course use version 12.0 of the Application Lifecycle Management software.
Intended Audience
- Quality assurance engineers
- Quality testers
- Project managers
- Quality Center Administrators
- Quality Center Project Managers
- Quality Assurance Leads
- Other Quality Center users responsible for managing projects, users, and workflow customizations
- Course Objectives
- Course Outline
- Prerequisites
After completing this course, you should be able to:
- Define Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)
- Understand the difference between ALM clients
- Create releases and cycles and construct requirements
- Analyze risks associated with requirements
- Organize subjects and tests in a test plan tree
- Design and create test plans
- Generate test scripts from design steps
- Create test sets
- Execute manual and automated tests
- Use HP Sprinter on manual tests
- Record and track test execution results
- Log and manage defects
- Use version control to keep track of changes
- Create and manage libraries
- Create and compare baselines
- Import and export from Microsoft Excel
- Generate reports and graphs using the dashboard
- Work with cross-project customizations
Module 1: Course Overview
– Introduction
– Course overview
– Course objectives
– Introduction to the case study
– Introduction to the lab environment
Module 2: Introduction to Application Lifecycle Management
– Describe HP’s Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) product
– Describe the ALM hierarchy and roadmap
– Navigate through the ALM modules
– Describe the key features and benefits of ALM
– Identify what’s new in ALM version 12.0
– Identify additional helpful resources
Module 3: Working with ALM Clients
– Identify the ALM clients
– Use the ALM 12 Web client
– Work with requirements
– Work with defects
– Perform web client customization
– Design and manage forms
– Work with business rules
Module 4: Working with Releases
– Identify the relationship between a line of business (LOB), applications, releases, and cycles
–Create a release tree
– Recognize the significance of assigning requirements to releases and cycles
– Recognize the significance of assigning tests to releases and cycles
Module 5: Project Planning and Tracking
– Define Project Planning and Tracking (PPT)
– Understand the terminology used in PPT
– Work with PPT including:
– Define scope items
– Assign content to scope items
– Define and configuring milestones
– Assign and configure Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
– Create a custom KPI
– Calculate KPIs
– View the scorecard
– Use PPT best practices
– Troubleshoot PPT HP Software Education Services
Module 6: Working with Requirements and Analyzing Risk
– Specify requirements
– Identify the characteristics of a useful requirement
– Add requirements to a project
– Create a requirements tree
– Assign requirements to releases and cycles
– Add traceability links using traceability
– Add traceability links between requirements
– Perform risk analysis for requirements
Module 7: Test Planning
– Organize subjects and tests in a Test Plan tree
– Create tests that define the steps for testing an application
– Use parameters in tests
– Generate test scripts from design steps
– Define test configurations
– Generate a live analysis graph from a Test Plan tree
Module 8: Requirements Coverage
– Create test coverage in the Requirements module
– Create requirement coverage in the Test Plan module
– Create requirement coverage using test configurations
– Analyze cycle progress
– Track cycle progress with the test set folders
Module 9: Test Execution
– Create and organize folders in a Test Sets tree
– View all test runs for a project
– Create test sets
– Add tests and test configurations into test sets
– Link test set folders to releases and cycles
– Manage test execution flow and test dependencies
– Execute manual and automated tests
– Record and review the results of test executions
Module 10: Lab Management
– Identify the motivation behind lab management
– Identify the concepts of lab management
– Manage lab resources
– Schedule and execute tests
– Understand Application Under Test (AUT) environments
Module 11: Build Verification
– Describe Build Verification functionality
– Create a Build Verification suite
– Add functional test sets to the suite
– Add performance tests to the suite
– Run the Build Verification suite
– View test results
Module 12: HP Sprinter 12.0
– Review and understand the manual test lifecycle
– Understand Sprinter features and functionality
– Use Sprinter
– Author tests
– Perform exploratory testing
– Define storyboarding
– Use Sprinter to log defects
Module 13: Defect Tracking
– Log defects
– Search and review defects
– Track defects throughout their lifecycle
– Associate defects with entities
Module 14: Version Control
– Describe version control functionality
– Check out entities
– Check in entities
– View version history
– Compare versions
– Promote an older version
Module 15: Library Management
– Define a library
– Define a baseline
– Compare baselines
– Pin a test set to a baseline
Module 16: Asset Sharing (Libraries)
– Define an asset library
– Import an asset library
– Work in parallel with source and target projects
– Compare imported assets from the source or target
– Synchronize assets
– Define cross-project sharing
– Share components
– Use the ALM Synchronizer
– Define a Hub project
– Create user-defined fields
– Explain the defect sharing workflow
– Apply best practices for reusing assets
Module 17: Exporting from Excelto ALM
– Identify the types of data that you can export to Quality Center
– Install an add-in for Microsoft Excel to allow data to be exported to Quality Center
– Format requirements, test plan, and defects data in Microsoft Excel files
– Execute the Export wizard in Excel
– Verify the exported data in Quality Center
Module 18: Reporting and Analysis
– Describe reporting and analysis in ALM
– Identify the features of the dashboard
– Create dashboard folders and pages
– Configure the dashboard
– View a dashboard page
–Generate reports and graphs
– Analyze reports and graphs
– Create and view project reports
– Generate formatted project documentation and Excel reports
– Share graphs that you can open without the ALM client Course Content
Module 19: Cross-Project Reporting
– Define cross-project reporting
– Enumerate the types of cross-project reports
– Create, configure, and view cross-project graphs
– Drill down to the graph records
– Create project reports
– Create a dashboard of cross-project graphs
– Apply the best practices for cross-project reporting
– Define Cross Project Business View Excel reports
– Generate a Business View Excel report
– Understand the HP ALM Excel Add-in tab
– Work with the Configuration pane
– Edit the Query dialog box
– Select projects in the HP ALM Excel Add-in tab
– Work with the View options
– Save a Business View Excel report
Module 20: Using ALM from A to Z
– Use ALM from A to Z
Working knowledge of:
- Windows
- Websites and browsers
- Testing Concepts